Retirement living often gets a bad rap. Many people associate it with a loss of autonomy and many avoid entertaining it as an option for far too long. As a result, when they do join, they do so reluctantly, shutting out many of the benefits that a retirement lifestyle has to offer. 

The truth is that retirement living offers options and support that give the people who live there greater freedom to lead a full and rewarding lifestyle. Here are just a few of the benefits.


Being social in retirement can be a challenge. You may have close friends who moved to warmer climates or your family may live at a distance. Retirement living offers you an opportunity to be a part of a community. You can join a club that caters to your personal interests and hobbies, and meet other residents who share those interests!

Personalized Care 

Need help doing your laundry? Maybe you need some reminders about medication or appointments? Retirement communities have designated staff to remove the stresses of daily life. That means your only concern should be enjoying yourself.


At some point, maintaining a home becomes difficult and tiresome. Retirement residences take the worry out of lawn care, in-home repairs, and snow removal during the winter. If you are no longer driving, your retirement community will likely have a shuttle or driving service that you can schedule for errands, appointments, and other tasks.

Peace of Mind

Retirement communities are equipped to handle emergencies that can weigh on you if you’re living alone. Medical episodes, trips and falls, and maintaining your feelings of security are all top of mind. There will often be a nurse in the building 24/7, along with other staff who are trained to assist you in the event of an emergency. Residences also have visitor protocols for an added layer of security. 

Promotion of Healthy Living

Retirement communities emphasize the importance of nutrition and exercise, taking the guess- and prep work out of the equation for residents. This removes the stress of grocery shopping, cooking, and following your physical therapy plan. Nutrition and exercise also have a social dimension, since you can join a walking group, visit the local club for a day of golfing, or attend a baking seminar.

At Sorrento Retirement Residence, we take pride in the lifestyle we’re able to offer our residents: from nutrition, to medical care and social life. To learn more about our European-inspired retirement residence, visit